How to play stellaris without cheating
How to play stellaris without cheating

I say this with confidence because every strategy posed to me, I have tried and used, many to good success but none to the success I've seen described no matter what way I rush resource production. I simply am happy with longer games and don't abuse the tech speed slider, don't use cheats and don't reload dozens of times until I find the ideal start. I cannot for the life of me comprehend how anyone could do better outside of OBSCENE luck or cheating.Įdit: So based on what has been said, I am now confident I do nothing wrong. Regardless of what strategy, ethics or traits I use, regardless of how much I pump into science without bankrupting myself and fucking myself over, I am lucky to have 20k fleet power by 2350 and am nowhere near repeatable techs. I expand as absolutely rapidly as possible, balancing growth to economy so I don't bankrupt myself, and building just enough fleets to ward off the computer. I see people claiming that by 2330, they are already on repearable techs and have over 100k fleet power.

How to play stellaris without cheating